Intellectual Property Notice and Infringement Policy

© Copyright Multiply Potential AB, 2022. All rights reserved.

Multiply Potential AB is registered in Sweden under organisation number 559225-3768 and has its registered office is at 106 31 Stockholm, Stockholms Iän, Sweden, hereafter “Multiply”). In this notice “Platform” shall mean and all of its pages and any mobile or web-based application made available from time to time “App”.

“Multiply” is a word trademark filed by Multiply pending registration at the EUIPO under application number 018648283.

Multiply is the proprietor or authorised licensee of all Intellectual Property rights in relation to the Platform, its App and all Content accessible via its Services, including but not limited to any and all digital content, registered, unregistered copyright, trade and brand names, trademarks (including registered, unregistered and applications anywhere in the world) and get-up, wherever these rights arise in the world, including any registered or unregistered rights however arising, future and existing. The copyright owned by or licensed to Multiply extends to the overall look and feel of the Platform and App, any images, source code and any other underlying technology which are protected by copyright and/or capable of copyright protection. If no permission is given by Multiply (or in the event of licensed Content, by the licensors) to the use of any of the aforementioned rights, such use may constitute an infringement of Multiply (or in the event of licensed Content, the rights holders’) rights (hereafter the “Multiply IP Rights”).

For the avoidance of doubt, the aforementioned Multiply IP Rights do not extend to any Intellectual Property Rights in any Content which is uploaded to the Platform and/or App by any Authorised User or Customer of the Platform and/or App. Any such Content is governed by the Multiply Terms of Acceptable Use available at Accordingly, all other trademarks, brand names, product names and titles, copyrights and other Intellectual Property Rights used on this Platform and App which are not owned by Multiply (including any Content) are trademarks, brand names, product names, copyrights or other Intellectual Property Rights of their respective rights holders. Permission to reproduce such material would need to be obtained from the relevant rights holders concerned.

No part of Multiply’s Platform or App may be translated, reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form either in whole or in part or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or invented in the future, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Multiply, except in accordance with permitted uses and provisions of the Swedish Copyright Act (1960:729) as amended from time to time.

Permitted uses includes the copying, printing or downloading of limited extracts to a local hard disk for reasonable personal non-commercial research use only and requires that Multiply (or the rights holder) is acknowledged as the owner of the work in any copies made or extracts taken.

Applications for the rights holder’s permission to reproduce any part of Multiply’s Platform or App should be addressed to:

Please note that Multiply reserves the right to terminate any Subscriptions of Authorised User or Customers of Multiply’s Services who are repeat infringers of the Intellectual Property Rights referred to in this notice.

This notice, Multiply’s Platform and App (and use thereof) are governed by the laws of Sweden. Any dispute that cannot be resolved between us shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Stockholm District Court.

Multiply takes intellectual property and rights holders’ rights very seriously and expects Authorised Users and Customers of its Services to do the same. If you are a copyright holder, or its agent or licensee and consider that any works which are directly available via Multiply’s Platform or App infringe copyrighted work, we request that you contact us in accordance with the terms of this policy.

Please send us a notification of the alleged copyright infringement for the attention of our Copyright Team to:

Attn. “Copyright Team”, Multiply Potential AB, 106 31 Stockholm, Stockholms Iän, Sweden or by email to:

In your notification, please provide us with:

  • Your details: Full Name, Company Name (if Applicable), Postal Address, Email Address, Telephone Number
  • Your relationship to the rightsholder: Rightsholder or authorised agent / licensee. If you are not the rightsholder, please provide confirmation of your right to act on the rightsholder’s behalf
  • The nature of the right: Copyright, Trademark, Other Intellectual Property Right (please specify)
  • The nature of the allegedly infringing Content: Music, Video, Audio, Text, Source Code, Other
  • Specific identification of the material that you consider is infringing a protected work (i.e., on our Platform or App). You must provide as much detail as possible, including where possible, a link to the relevant material
  • A description of how or why you believe the Content infringes a protected work
  • A statement that you have believe in good faith that use of the Content concerned is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent or licensee, or the law
  • A statement that the information in the notification you submit is accurate, and that you confirm you are owner of the right that is allegedly infringed or are duly authorised to make such notification, and
  • Any other information you consider pertinent.

We aim to deal with all complete notifications that we receive promptly. In the event of an incomplete notification or should any of the above information be missing from your notification, then this may delay our handling of your matter.

This Intellectual Property Notice and Infringement Policy was last updated on: 2022-06-07.